Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Not All Diamonds Are Created Eco :)

        Diamonds are pure or nearly pure carbon, blessed with three extraordinary qualities.
First, a diamond owns unique powers of light reflection. When cut, it gathers light within itself, sending it back in a shower of fire and brilliance.  Second, it is the only gem mineral composed of a single, unadulterated element, making it the purest of earth’s gemstones. Third, it is the hardest transparent substance known to man. Steel cannot cut a diamond. The only material that can cust a diamond is another diamond.  It is fitting that the purest and most brilliant of all the world’s stones should be the most enduring.

        As a strong believer in the "green" or "eco" movement I'm intrigued by the recycled/upcycled diamond trend.  It's possible that someone prior to you already recycled the diamonds in your jewelry. All diamonds are very old. Some were formed 4 billion years ago. Unless you know your diamond's history, since it was initially found in its uncut form, there's no way of knowing its origin. One thing is clear, however. One can save money and the planet. 
     As a gold and diamond buyer, I have seen the trend first hand.  Rather than hanging on to memories of a failed relationship or departed relative, they are opting to "recycle" their diamonds.  I have read in articles that there is up to $1 trillion worth of "used diamonds" locked away in safe deposit boxes and jewelry cases, and many gems could find their way onto the market. The good thing is... Diamonds are forever, literally.

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