Thursday, May 3, 2012

Evil Eye Jewelry Isn't Evil after all :)

                    Okay, for the most part, I am not trendy, but I do, however love the evil eye motif.  It stretches all cultures and it's a huge celebrity trend right now. These clever incarnations of this mystic symbol are popping up all over the fashion sites. This kind of jewelry does not discriminate and is easily adaptable between fashion personalities.
                 Firstly, we should acknowledge that wearing the evil eye is not an evil act at all. This is no up side down cross my friends! In fact, wearing evil eye jewelry is supposed to be a protective measure. That little evil eye symbol represents ill wishes from others who are giving ‘the evil eye.’ Ooooh spooky! They say this is especially true for feelings on envy from other people, casting out negative energy when they often do not even realize it. So, as a protective measure, you wear the evil eye jewelry to mirror the ill wishes back at the gazer! So clever and USEFUL when you are an eye catching fashionista like all of our readers.
                Without taking this too literally (hey, this is fashion after all), we are currently in love with rocking this little symbol in the most backwards of ways! Colored in powder pink, stuck amongst a collection of miss matched charms and especially given as gifts to frienemies. This is a fun trend with a very distinct look. And here in the United States, the evil eye doesn’t have much of a religious or superstitious vibe. Or, rather, it has been very diluted.
            These little evil eye jewelry pieces can be found in every store, from the $5 Forever 21  to the pieces which are diamond encusted and in the thousands.  As the saying goes, if you want it badly enough… you can find it online .

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