Monday, January 2, 2012

The Truth of GIA vs. EGL Certification, all the differences involved.

                       The Truth of GIA vs. EGL Certification

Before purchasing a diamond, it is important to ensure it has been certified by a credible gemological organization. Both the Gemological Institute of America and the European Gemological Laboratory are credible organizations known worldwide for grading and certifying diamonds. Both organizations offer similar diamond certification reports; however, there are a few differences between the organizations when it comes to diamond value and grading standards. Both GIA and EGL are very reliable independent diamond grading laboratories. They both employ leading gemologist and use the highest technologies to grade diamonds. Both set industry standards and are well respected.  Both GIA and EGL do not make diamonds, rather diamonds are sent to them to get a completely independent and objective diamond grading report.
The GIA in a non-profit institute, established in 1931. The purpose of the GIA is to protect purchasers of gemstones through education and research and determine the quality of diamonds through certification. The GIA is an international organization with world headquarters located in Carlsbad, California.
The EGL is an international company that also focuses on gemstone certification, education and research. The company is privately owned and was originally founded as part of an international network in Europe in 1974. The EGL USA division was founded in 1977 with locations in New York, California and Canada.
The GIA diamond report grades shape, measurements, weight, depth percentage, table percentage, girdle thickness, cutlet size, polish, symmetry, clarity grade, color grade, fluorescence, internal and external inclusions and adds comments about the diamond.  The EGL diamond report offers a more detailed report grading all of the above, plus the crown angle and pavilion angle of a diamond.
The EGL is regarded by some jewelers as offering more lenient grading standards, while the GIA is regarded as offering more strict grading standards when reporting the quality of diamonds. In other words, while the GIA tends to give borderline diamonds lower grades, the EGL tends to give borderline diamonds higher grades.
Both buyers and jewelers consider the EGL to have less strict grading standards than the GIA. Diamonds graded by the EGL are typically valued somewhat lower than diamonds graded by the GIA and can usually be purchased at a lower cost. For instance, a diamond with an EGL certification that has the same exact clarity, cut and color as a diamond with a GIA certification, will typically be less expensive.
I will say one final thing though, you will never find an EGL certified diamond that sells for the same price as a GIA certified diamond if they are the same color and clarity, the EGL will always be less. On the other hand, you will find plenty of EGL certified diamonds that are graded just as accurately as the same GIA certified diamond for much less money. You just have to do your homework and trust in a professional buyer or jeweler to help you make healthy assumptions. The choice is yours!

1 comment:

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