A nice collection we recently purchased of Coins |
There are a bunch of different factors which go into what a coin is worth. For instance an old morgan dollar that usually comes into one of our shops has a few factors which will determine its final value. The weight of the silver coin is the preliminary factor which has an effect on the price. Next, the mintage year and number of coins minted in that year will have a huge impact on the worth of the coin. There are coins which look exactly the same but the difference of an 1882 and 1883 coin could be THOUSANDS of dollars! Next is condition, there are many different grading scales that many numismatic experts follow and it can get very confusing. We like to grade according to the standards of reputable companies such as NGC and PCGS. In our New York and Long Island shops, we see over 1000 coins a week, and are constantly grading, pricing, evaluating these rare beauties of our clients. One tip we have for sellers is that when you are trying to sell your old coins, rare coins, US and Foreign coins - please do not WASH the coins or POLISH them prior to bringing them in. Just the other day a woman brought a rare coin into our Northport, Long Island location and she polished a coin which would have been worth around $1400 and now is only worth around $350. So please, call us if you have any more questions about selling your coin collection in one of our locations in NY, LI, Nassau/Suffolk/Queens.
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