Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gold Price and 1st Blog Post

Gold Prices are near all times high still! With the price of gold closing at 1743 on this Halloween weekend. The price of silver is also gravitating towards the all time high level of $50+ dollars an ounce. Long Islanders have been out and about selling their precious metals and valuables while the iron is hot! At our locations in suffolk county we have been seeing a rise in the number of gold sellers and silver sellers getting the best prices for all jewelry, gold, silver, platinum, and diamonds.
The picture above is of a 1 Ounce silver bullion coin. It is from 2006 and we just recently purchased a handfull of these beautiful coins. The silver content in this coin is 1 ounce of silver! This is a great coin and a beautiful pieces. The gentleman who sold us this coin was from Huntington and had a nice collection of pieces.

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