Gold, silver and other precious metals are at an all time high, but realistically it can fall off quite fast or on the other hand keep on rising. Do you sell it, hold onto it or find out what it’s truly worth?
Gold, Silver, Diamond and Platinum Jewelry, as a personal adornment, has been collected, traded, bought and sold throughout the ages. It has been used in pawning methods for thousands of years around the world. In our present day you can benefit greatly if you decide to sell, as precious metals are at an all time high.
Gold, Silver, Diamond and Platinum Jewelry, as a personal adornment, has been collected, traded, bought and sold throughout the ages. It has been used in pawning methods for thousands of years around the world. In our present day you can benefit greatly if you decide to sell, as precious metals are at an all time high.
While you are in the process of deciding, one thing we suggest is doing some homework on your jewelry. By knowing something about the history, designer and style period, you may have a piece that is worth far more than the melted value. This type of jewelry is floating around more than people think. Many of our highest transactions have come from folks who didn’t realize what they had. With a well trained and trusted company, as ours, you may go in thinking you were going to get $100 and walk out with a $1000. This has happened many times in our business. Some businesses have prospered greatly from these types of transactions, but those whom have a “get rich quick mindset” never prosper. They simply get a quick dishonest buck. Our buyers are well trained and believe that to build a successful business you must be forthcoming and honest with our customers.
Interesting facts you might not know :)
While silver isn’t as valuable as gold, it has actually grown in value faster. So don’t over look your silver jewelry, coins, flatware, or even silverware as they may be valuable. Check for a (.925) stamp, (sterling) stamp, or (ster) stamp. Items such as flatware and silverware may only be partially silver but can still fetch a great price. Coins can also be very high in value.
Our trained jewelry buyers will not solely rely on mechanical testing devises to estimate your valuables worth. They will use more of a hands on method to get an accurate value. One reason being, is that many pieces of gold jewelry have been misrepresented with a more valuable stamp. A gold ring may have 18kt stamped on the inside of the band, when in fact is 10kt. This is why qualified buyers test with a more hands on method.
We usually advise our clients of the folloing:
(1)Make sure your jewelry is tested in open view.
(2) Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your merchandise and the testing methods used.
(3) A reputable company is best as they have more extensive training.
(4) Shop around, and educate yourself.
(2) Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your merchandise and the testing methods used.
(3) A reputable company is best as they have more extensive training.
(4) Shop around, and educate yourself.
I guarentee you'll be back to see us at Suffolk Buyers in Northport, NY. 631-651-5100 http://www.goldbuyersnewyork.com/
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